Kaukauna Chiropractor Dr. Lee
I chose chiropractic as a last resort for my health…

Dr. Lee Schwalenberg
When I was 19, I herniated my L5 disc while working for a construction company in De Pere. Worse yet, I didn’t even have a good story; I was “only” swinging a hammer. Unable to walk, I was hastily transported to Bellin’s Emergency room in Green Bay. For someone use to his independence, I had a hard time when the security guards had to lift me out of the car and set me in a wheelchair just to bring me through the front doors.
After a week of pain-killers, my back continued to deteriorate, I couldn’t make it even 3 steps without taking a break. I was told at Bellin it was an L5 herniation which is why it was radiating down my left leg. They also told me that if it didn’t get better I would need to come back for further testing, and I had the possibility of needing surgery. Being 19, I found this unacceptable. (I later found this is unacceptable in almost all cases.) I was already having a hard time taking the pain killers since they did nothing for the pain.
The irony was I went to the chiropractor as a last resort. I heard all the rumors: “all they want is your money, go once and they’ll make you go forever, they’re a bunch of QUACKS”; but at that point, I was willing to do anything to avoid drugs and surgery.
Luckily, I had the “miracle” adjustment. Chiropractic quickly went from a last resort to my primary choice of care. The philosophy of pain-free, drug-free care went hand-in-hand with my own beliefs. I didn’t want to cover the pain, I wanted to fix the problem. (That was actually, the last time I took any medication.)
And now, I’m the Chiropractor.
Just as Dr. Heather, I also attended Palmer in Iowa. It is the “Harvard” of Chiropractic. As the saying goes, when people ask you where you went to chiropractic school you either say “Palmer,” or spend the time explaining why you didn’t go to Palmer.
The education was second to none, and that challenge helped shape me both as a person and a chiropractor. I went to school expecting to learn about back pain, only to find that chiropractic was about something completely different. It was about taking control of your own health.
Hurting my back, herniating a disc, was the best thing to ever happen to me.
Health is not by chance. Only by understanding this concept, will the patient thrive. Life is not about mere survival. It’s about “thrival.” (That may be a made-up word, but I think you get the concept.) Avoidance of pain is only at the survival level. Although we do help with pain, the goal is to take your health to the next level.
Life Outside of Chiropractic
Saturday morning breakfast. PANCAKES. It doesn’t get any better. PANCAKES. I get to spend time with Heather, Jaiden & Maximus. PANCAKES. And relax for awhile. PANCAKES. Oh, and did I mention the pancakes? Gluten-free and full of love. Anyway, I enjoy almost everything. Life is a gift, and my biggest fear is watching it slip away without enjoying it.
Diet, Exercise, Chiropractic – It’s as simple as that. I see too many people play the role of victim. What they are victim to is a failed belief system, and a failed medical system. They believe that they have little to no influence into what is happening in their life; when the majority of the time, it is the complete opposite. They are the only thing that can make a difference.
We live by the philosophy that health comes from within. So we feed the body what it needs: a healthy diet, moderate exercise, and consistent chiropractic. There is no greater doctor than the one inside you. No MD, Surgeon, Physical Therapist, or even Chiropractor can match it. You just need to give the body what it needs. It will do the rest.
Call Stone Chiropractic now to schedule an appointment and let’s see how chiropractic care can help you!